Freddie is a healthy, friendly, easygoing guy who has spent his whole life as the resident "therapy cat" in a home for mentally ill adults. Freddie's care has been dependent on the funds of this non-profit social services agency. As of this month, the state dramatically decreased this organization's budget, and the powers that be have decided poor Freddie is a luxury they cannot afford. If not for the kindness of the home's employees who fought to defer Freddie's immediate removal, Freddie would have been dumped at the city pound.
Freddie would be great for a family, as he is accustomed to living with lots of people. He grew up with other cats, and gets along with dogs. Freddie is also quite a character. He is currently an indoor-outdoor cat who loves going on walks with his housemates (and even the neighborhood dog!), although we know these cats can become perfectly happy staying inside. He also loves to ride shotgun in the car! Although he is not a lap cat, he loves being petted, and sleeping in bed with people. He is a sweetheart who brightens the day of everyone he meets.
Please consider Freddie for adoption. After all he's given to his human friends, he deserves a safe and happy forever home of his own.
How much does it cost to support Freddie at the facility? Any way we can get donations to keep him at the home he's always had?
Donations would be appreciated. Right now an employee is fronting his costs. It is just not clear that this is a good long-term solution given that the administration of the home are not committed to him staying. But for now, donations would help. Please email to be put in touch with Freddie's guardian angel.
I wonder how they did the math when measuring Freddie's 'cost' against the benefit he must have bought many residents over the years. At moments like this, I just despair.
I was wondering the same thing as Anonymous as far as a plan to have Freddie stay at the home. But, if is seems like a foster/adoption is a safer and more stable option for him, then I hope one or the other happens soon for him. In the meantime, I'm more than willing to contribute any way that I can to keep him out of a shelter or animal control.
Hello Zarinah and anonymous: this is Alix, one of the employees that looks after Freddie at the home. It would be ideal for Freddie to stay there, as it has been his home for his entire life, however I have appealed to the higher ups (program directors, executive managment staff) and have been told definitively that Freddie cannot stay. I wish we could keep him - and disagree completely with their decision - but I really have to focus on finding him an adoptive home as soon as possible
:( i appreciate everyone's kindness so much (and the donations - that is so amazing!) but unfortunately my focus has to be on finding him a home, rather than funding him to stay on at the group home :(
has a home or foster home been found for Freddie yet?
Hi Brittany
No, Freddie has not found a home yet. He's still at his original place but needs to be out by the end of the month FIRM deadline. If you are interested in fostering or adopting please contact
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