Maya and Jane together. Their Forever Mom, Helenmary, reports that "Jane often licks Maya when they wrestle, but yesterday, as Maya went in to pounce, Jane hooked a paw around her neck and dragged her down for a thorough washing. The grooming/cuddling went on for an hour. Maya tried to leave a few times, but Jane just swatted her in the face until she submitted and curled up close."
My heart sings! Thanks to you, Helenmary.
How adorable they are. Antonia - who could be Maya's twin for looks and size - is getting close to that stage with her step-sisters.
That Maya is such a cute little nugget. She seems so like my Husi (another LBK....little black kitten) that I rescued 3 years ago. She is still the smallest of my bunch.
I just love Jane's moustache. Calico cats are just lovely examples of God's artwork....I have a pastel calico, Morgainne, and she is an adorable little "walking painting". :)
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