Saturday, October 17, 2009

Black and White Cat world and Porchcatlandia

Our latest TNR cat from Black and White Cat World was Daisy Mae (called Kennedy in the last post about her). She was skinny, had a messy underbelly, and had a runny nose when she was taken to PAWS. The vet cleaned her up a little and said she had a UTI and conjunctivitis. The imposed post-surgery seclusion was probably really good for her, and now she hops out with the rest of the colony when the food van drives in.

Next, we introduce you to Porchcatlandia! Porchcatlandia is in an alley off Ingleside, close to but distinct from Black and White Cat World. The tabby pictured here is Carmen, mom to Fred (peeking up from the bottom of the picture), Ethel and Lucy--the actual porch cats. Carmen has an interesting overlay of brown. Lucy is the most skittish and has not been trapped yet. You can see Fred has made his peace with the trap, having already been caught and neutered. Diane, B/W cat world tender, says "this reminds me of DH's grandfather's saying, 'He's not afraid of hard work, he'll lie right down beside it and go to sleep.' "

The marmalade tabby is also part of Porchcatlandia--that is, besides the actual porch cats there are more cats.

1 comment:

Diane H said...

Typo with dire consequences - Daisy Mae seemed to have an upper respiratory infection and conjunctivitis, not UTI. Ouch.