Over the weekend MJK received a phone call from the Liliana Colony caretakers: some neighborhood kids were bullying and apparently even kicking Roger. Volunteers went to pick up Roger, who is now safely in the loving fosterarms of Hamsini. He went to the vet and had an abrasion cleaned and is on antiobiotics for an upper respiratory infection (cold). He's got an adorable "bulldoggy" look, doesn't he? And such whiskers!
Roger was rescued from a life on the streets and is in search of his foreverhome. Many other cats await their fosterhome and are on the streets or in cages in the pounds. Send your foster/adoption inquiry to hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com.
Sounds like some neighborhood kids ought to be bullied and kicked.
Sadly, they probably already are.
I can't help but notice how sad/scared he looks in this photo compared to his previous ones. Poor boy, those kids must have terrorized him! I'd like to bully them.
Ainat is probably right. Rather than bully the kids, I'd take them to a shelter, and make them do a stint of volunteer work. Working with homeless and abused animals would be more likely to spark a little empathy in them than returning hurt for hurt.
One of the things I've learned while volunteering at an animal shelter is just how resilient and brave cats are. I hope, with Hamsini's love and a warm home, that Roger will rebound nicely. And, yes, children learn a lot from spending time at a city shelter. I'd like to add my thanks from Pennsylvania. Hamsini, thank you! And thank all of you for what you do.
He looks pissed off to me. Poor Roger. He is such a sweetie pie
I think that's just his normal look! He has a bit of a squished-in face, is all.
Where is this colony located? Do you have any information on the kids/offenders?
They are at 62nd near Cottage Grove according to the original post about his colony. No need for vigilantism, but certainly nothing wrong with helping keep an eye on the cats from time to time to make sure nobody is harassing them.
Hardly a call for vigilantism, this is my job. If someone can make out a case report it will at least get forwarded to animal crimes for a follow up. The station for that area is at 71 and Cottage.
There is a caretaker that lives at 62nd and Evans. I do not know if she knows the identity of the people that were hurting Roger. I will forward the suggestion that she file a complaint.
I have the pleasure of being Hamsini's roommate and have been seeing how well he is adapting to being loved and cared for. He went from being so scared to actively seeking us out for attention in no time. He still doesn't quite get how to play with toys--but loves to have his belly scratched and playfully grab my hands :)
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