Monday, November 22, 2010

New colony

New colony (at least new to us) needs a name and a caretaker. We would like to help these cats but our volunteer core is at capacity. If you live south of the midway and you can commit to feeding these cats, we can help you get free cat food. And if you want to help get these cats TNRed (trap-neuter-release), that would be wonderful: being neutered and vaccinated means they will have better physical resources for getting through the cold winter. Finding somebody to watch over them and feed them (and help gain their trust, in order to potentially get them off the streets) could be the difference between life and death. Literally.

Colony maintainence and TNR isn't hard; it just takes some planning and commitment. We in the volunteer group are here to help and guide and work together with anybody who thinks they might want to learn. Once you get started it's fun!

1 comment:

Diane H said...

The tiger cat has a clear clipped ear so it would be wonderful if the caring neighbor who has already taken care of some of these cats would contact us.