Wednesday, September 8, 2010

one hundred ... and one! a gut yuntif!

A gut yuntif and l'shanah tovah to all! Hyde Park Cats has now done one hundred adoptions -- no, one hundred and one! (We've sent about an equal number of kitties to PAWS, Treehouse, or other shelters to find their forever homes.) Tashma (pictured above) and Minou went to their forever homes just in time for the (Jewish) New Year.


Ruth said...

As suggested in the Tuesday post, it takes a village to find homes for homeless cats so congratulations to everyone who helped this 100 in any way at all. I think not just about the 100 (plus) who now have homes thanks to HPC but also of the multitudinious homeless kittens who won't be born to or sired by this 100.

Zoe said...

Mazel tov! That's such good news! We should celebrate somehow.

Lilithcat said...

That's 101 kitties having a very sweet new year!

margaret said...

Wowie! Congratulations!!! Thank you for all your very hard work! L'shana tova!