Friday, September 3, 2010


Rosetta can be seen as one of the little fluffy heads in this Englewood mama post. We are not sure what it going on with Mama, but she left Rosetta out by herself for long enough that it seemed better to take her in than hope Mama was returning ... especially considering the rain. Windy and her daughter, pictured here, took Rosetta in and kept her warm all night and made some emergency kitten glop. The daughter named the kitten, and she should be very proud of her role in saving this little life. Rosetta is just two weeks old.


Martha said...

I love children who love animals. Windy should be very proud of her daughter. Rosetta is a beautiful, and unusual, name for a kitten.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, ohhh, ohhhh, just so adorable!

margaret said...

<3 to tiny Rosetta and hooray for Windy and her daughter!

Windy said...

Update on mama-cat... We've seen her the last couple of days in our alley. Tried to visually track where she's got the kitties stashed, but wasn't able to. MamaCatlooks healthy.