Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So it turns out Cora ("Iron Mama Cat Cora") is a friendly! Thank goodness, since we didn't want to have to return her to the construction site. Cora, a long-haired beauty, enjoys petting, eating wet food, and relaxing. More details as time goes on. We will be seeking a special home for our golden-eyed lovely. Do you want to provide a forever home to this special Hyde Park resident?


Eevie said...

Yes, friends of the Konstruction Kitties, Cora LOVES people. She is now into being picked up, held, turned over, and brushed. She's a floppy, gentle little thing and a real beauty. Just a kitten herself.

margaret said...

Oh my goodness! What a darling! Please, I hope someone adopts her and gives her love and cuddles forever. So glad her construction site days are behind her.