Wednesday, December 31, 2008

update on Shadow

An update on my neighbor's cat Shadow, left behind when she went into assisted care last week. Shadow is now in the home of a hopeful adoptive couple, in the bedroom with a temporary food and litter setup. Their resident cat, Finnegan, "is hissing all over the house." Shadow is "trotting all over the bedroom, purring, rubbing up against us, stopping for a bite of food... in other words, instantly at home and full of love."

Let's hope these two can learn to get along! Readers, keep your paws crossed! Feel free to leave comments with your best tip on introducing a new and resident cat.


Anonymous said...

Lots of catnip. Catnip makes everything better.

Diane H said...

Showing the resident cat lots of attention - hold him on your lap, pet it, talk to him - allow the intruder cat into the room. Keep treating the resident cat as the king of the castle every time he/she gets upset at the sight of the new cat. Takes time.

Anonymous said...

Take everything very, very slowly.

Get some Feliway in the room that the new cat stays in the most.

And lots of patience.

margaret said...

I feel optimistic that Shadow and Finnegan will eventually become the best of friends. I have 3 females who *barely* tolerate each other. I always thought (neutered) males got along better, but I don't really know that for sure...