Thursday, April 30, 2009

small dog found -- but not caught

Aiko writes in:

"The dog was wandering in the promontory point park around 6-7 p.m. on April 30th. Black and white, very small, sort of like a Mini Pinscher or Italian Greyhound. I tried for 20 mins. but s/he was too scared to let me get closer. All I could do was to call 311. City animal control should have come to get him/her. If there's anyone who knows anything about this dog, please call animal control."

If you know anybody missing a small dog, please pass this word on.

1 comment:

margaret said...

How heartbreaking! Thank you, Aiko, for caring. Hopefully another kind person was able to grab the little dog. If AC was able to catch it, I hope it will be all right. :o(