Meet Janet. Janet has been living in Washington Park, apparently for a while. When trapped, she was pregnant. She had a swollen upper lip, a wound on her nose, and many missing and fractured teeth, including fractured canines. Luckily she tested negative for both FIV and FeLV.
This pretty girl had come to the attention of Adrienne D., who saw her in the park, and who then realized that kitty had stashed two kittens in a gardening shed.
Those two kittens, trapped last month, are Iris and May. Both Iris and May have congenital issues with their eyes; I have to wonder if poor Janet was so depleted, so hungry, that her in utero kittens simply did not get adequate nourishment. We'll report more on Iris and May very soon.
But in the meantime, Adrienne has been on the look-out for Janet, and last week she trapped her. Adrienne took Janet to Treehouse for her veterinary care, and is holding onto her, at least for a while, while she recovers and to see what's what. Adrienne writes that "She's a sweetie. I kind of love her already."
It's very gratifying to know that Janet won't be contributing any more kittens to the park's ecosystem, and that her last two -- and Janet herself -- will know a better quality of life. Thank you Adrienne for noticing, caring, and acting, and to Ruth for facilitating the rescue.
*** Thanks to recent donors: James M., to Scott C. for the nice cat carrier. And a special thanks to Michael C., who donated some items in honor of his cat, Alexis, who recently died. We will put Alexis' things to good use. ***