THIS is the miserable-looking cat from the previous post, who was huddling outside a building at 53rd and Greenwood. Look at that happy punim! Alexis and her husband just picked the boy up and brought him inside. Alexis said "He seems to be okay, hunger aside. It's hard to get a good picture of him since the minute anyone goes into the room with him, he wants to curl up on their lap and purr and knead them to death. To our great surprise, he also let us clip his front claws without much of a fuss!
We're calling him Lazarus for now because my husband is fussy about names and I said he reminded me of that poem from the statue of liberty, "Bring me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses..." and that we should name it after whoever wrote it; turns out her name was Emma Lazarus and it seemed just too fitting." [editor's note: I totally knew that!]
That poem is, of course, "The New Colossus."
Thanks to our recent donors Gwennan I. and Carol K., and to Anna F. and her friend for the hilarious kitty pirate ship.
What a transformation in that cat's expression from the first photo to the second set where he is so relaxed and happy. Thank you Alexis and husband for taking this sweetie in from the cold and giving him something to smile about.
Thank you for this great news on the poor kitty. I needed something to smile about on this cold, snowy morning.
Best wishes for his vet visit.
Lazarus spent today at the PAWS clinic for all sorts of things and he is now fixed, vaccinated, officially FIV/FeLV negative and back in his bathroom nest meowing loudly for affection.
Thanks to everyone at Hyde Park Cats for all the help and support and to everyone for sending him warm wishes and happy thoughts!
Great, great news that Lazarus is in good health.
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