Serious and heartfelt thanks to Roy and Dianna for forty pounds of cat kibble ... to Margaret and Norah for coming through with the cold hard cash for our TNR efforts ... and to the folks who answered my plea for new traps. Thank you to Margaret, Ginny, and Anna for the traps (in advance--I'll let you know when they arrive). Your help makes such a difference to us! And to the cats!
Here is a portrait of Nino sunning himself in the MJK Alley last week. Just received an email that the Chicagoland Stray Cat Coalition got a call from Alderman Cochran's office about stray cats at this alley. Well, they called PAWS and PAWS called somebody at the Brickyard Garden (a nearby community garden containing a managed feral-cat colony of its own). And the Brickyard folks contacted us. And this is why registering one's colony is so important -- these cats are our cats! We're taking excellent care of them and we can prove it. Anyway, Nino and the other twelve spayed and neutered cats at this alley thank everybody who makes their lives possible.
I donated some money a while ago but I didn't get a confirmation email from paypal (although it did come out of my paypal account). Hope it made it to you.
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